How to put a computer into an old radio. (Part II)
Working model
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The final step. Artur fastens the mother board to the junk case fragment to make the cpu module. And when we say test bed that's what we mean.
Artur holds up mother board module complete with add on cards and heavy-duty power supply.
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Close up. Artur holds up mother board module complete with add on cards and heavy duty power supply.
Rear view showing drive bay module and Mobo module set in place. Note the lowly floppy peeking out below.
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Ta da. Here is the 1953 Baltika Radio stuffed with cheapo leftover junk and also- ran tech. A thing of beauty to be sure. Ready to play 20,000 or so songs or 10,000 song and 30,000 family photos. Not to mention DVD, Did I say the video card has TV out?
Ahhhh. The missing floppy drive.  You noticed? Maybe not. The floppy is in its regular level, but is simply reversed in the bay. Banished from the front of the computer this drive is still available as a utility device for emergency boot ups, anti virus rescues, fdisk partitions and the like.
Still might  need it, don't want to look at it.
Compact flash USB adapter has replaced it for exchanging  files.                                                           

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